Channeling" is a popular "buzz word", often ridiculed, sometimes feared as well. I asked my angels about using the word "channeling" when placing my inspired writings on this site. This is the answer I received:
Dear One,
You are indeed a channel. EVERYBODY is a channel. Let us use the well-worn but very effective example of the radio stations. Do you not agree that there are many, many different frequencies to which the various radio stations are assigned? Yes, and to that let us add that each one of these many frequencies is liken to you or any other physical being in this dimension at this point in time.
And what does one say when they are looking for a particular format, music style, news station, etc.? Do they not say "let us change the channel"? :-)
They are searching for the sounds that are most favorable to them at that other words, what they are wanting to hear in that moment. So the knob on the radio is turned and turned and turned -- bypassing the frequencies that are not of interest at the time, until Lo and Behold! the desired frequency is reached, tuned in, and, when the station is clearly heard, it is said that the right channel has been found.
So it is for all of you human "channels". You operate on your own very distinct and uniquely individual frequency. You are Light - which is a frequency, is it not? So do not be dismayed with the term "channel" as it serves the purpose quite nicely for now. For all who read these words, we remind you lovingly that you are a channel as well. You choose the content that runs through your frequency, as it were. As you become more open and accepting to the fact that you have access to all the knowledge of the Universe, you will be truly amazed at what information is actually available to your "channel".
And so, Dear One, we say that "channeling" is an acceptable term for use and is not intended in any way to imply that one God-spark is better or more loved than any other.
We hope that this addresses your concern. :-)
In Joy & Light,
KJ Weaver
Copyright © 2017 Karen Joyce Weaver. All Rights Reserved.
Dear One,
You are indeed a channel. EVERYBODY is a channel. Let us use the well-worn but very effective example of the radio stations. Do you not agree that there are many, many different frequencies to which the various radio stations are assigned? Yes, and to that let us add that each one of these many frequencies is liken to you or any other physical being in this dimension at this point in time.
And what does one say when they are looking for a particular format, music style, news station, etc.? Do they not say "let us change the channel"? :-)
They are searching for the sounds that are most favorable to them at that other words, what they are wanting to hear in that moment. So the knob on the radio is turned and turned and turned -- bypassing the frequencies that are not of interest at the time, until Lo and Behold! the desired frequency is reached, tuned in, and, when the station is clearly heard, it is said that the right channel has been found.
So it is for all of you human "channels". You operate on your own very distinct and uniquely individual frequency. You are Light - which is a frequency, is it not? So do not be dismayed with the term "channel" as it serves the purpose quite nicely for now. For all who read these words, we remind you lovingly that you are a channel as well. You choose the content that runs through your frequency, as it were. As you become more open and accepting to the fact that you have access to all the knowledge of the Universe, you will be truly amazed at what information is actually available to your "channel".
And so, Dear One, we say that "channeling" is an acceptable term for use and is not intended in any way to imply that one God-spark is better or more loved than any other.
We hope that this addresses your concern. :-)
In Joy & Light,
KJ Weaver
Copyright © 2017 Karen Joyce Weaver. All Rights Reserved.