Greetings, Dear One.
Today we wish to explore these seeming opposites. Perhaps we will mention clocks briefly, as that also is a key part of these words. So let us take a brief excursion, as it were.
You believe that your world is one of polarity. If there is an “up”, then there must be a “down”. We say to you that, while it is true in the 3rd dimension where you currently seem to reside, truly there is no polarity. It is a matter of your perspective.
Does clockwise mean that your timepieces are smart? :-) For purposes of this discussion, we will use “wise” to signify “direction”. So, we are in agreement that if an object is moving clockwise, this means that it is moving in a circular fashion from the starting point, to the right. This is the direction that the hands on the clock move. Of course, this is not true for the digital clocks, as they have no hands. :-)
We ask that you now picture in your minds-eye a large grandfather clock. In place of the “face” imagine a transparent circle made of tiles of colored glass, much like those in the lovely sun-catchers that hang in some windows. Now stand in front of the clock, facing it. Look at the circle of tiles and ask it to slowly spin in a clockwise direction. As you continue to view this spin, mentally step to your right and face the side of the clock. You see that you are now “chest-to-wood” with it, and you can also still view the spinning tiles, which now appear to be spinning toward you as they come over the top of the circle, then down and away. Up and toward you, down and away. However, if you step to your left and again face the clock, the tiles are indeed still spinning clockwise, are they not? Step to your right again and confirm that the spinning appears to be coming toward you, then down and away. Now, step to your right again, and face the “back” of the clock. Since the circle is transparent, you can still view the spinning tiles – but from this vantage point, they now are spinning “counter”clockwise. Step to the right again, and face the other side of the clock. Do you see that the tiles appear to be spinning now down over the top of the circle and then away, then up around the bottom and toward you. Now step to the right one more time, and you are again facing the front of the clock, where you observe that the tiles have never stopped spinning from the original clockwise direction. The logical mind finds this interesting and amazing. The tiles remained constant in the velocity and direction of their spin, yet they appeared to you as though they had chosen four different directions.
Do you see, Beloved, that this is a matter of perspective? If you stand here, it appears one way. If you stand there, it certainly appears another. If you stand below, above, to the right, left, southeast, northwest – another and another and another. My goodness, there appear to be many realities here. After all, is that not what your eyes tell you they see? And, you also already see where this is going, do you not? From your perspective, or viewpoint, or vantage point, looking from the frequency at which you currently vibrate, certain factors appear to be reality.
Now, if you will, please imagine as best you can, operating on a much higher frequency. For sake of keeping it simple, we will call it the “God Vibe”. This allows us to view from a higher vibration and thus get a better, truer idea of how things really are. The Truth, as you will remember, is simple – but not always easy. :-) So, kick up the vibration now to warp speed.
Now that you are viewing from the God Vibe, you can see from every direction simultaneously. After all, you are viewing from the Source. Let us take this same “circle” of glass tiles and imagine viewing them still spinning, but this time see them from every direction at once. Yes, you can do it. Close your eyes and intend that this is what you wish to do. You will now note that the circle is actually a sphere, and although at first glance, the tiles appeared to be spinning in one direction, when the sphere is viewed from the God Vibe, you see that they appear to be spinning in all directions at once. Yes, this is yet another lesson in remembering that although there are Many, they are One. Many tiles, one sphere. Many directions, yet only one, with no beginning and no end.
You are correct. All roads lead Home. All lessons and experiences have the same destination. It is the Journey that is yours to enjoy. Each of you is a unique and cherished individual interpretation of God-spark, living individual experiences unlike any other. No two are alike, yet all are One. You cannot separate yourSelf from that which you truly are. It is not possible, and that is the Truth. :-) You are each a beloved expression of All That Is/God-Goddess/The Universe, and each unconditionally loved deeply and beyond all measure. You cannot change who your parents are here on Earth. No matter what legal or medical actions you incorporate, you were born through a certain physical lineage via a specific male and female uniting of codes (genes). Neither then, Beloved, can you change your spiritual lineage ----- You Are A Beloved Child of God.
You see that we have brought it ‘round again to the same conclusion. We thought that this would entertain your logical mind, and also hold its attention. So, here is the summary, short and sweet, for this lesson today. God Loves You.
There is nothing you can ever do or say or enact or think or wish or be that can ever, ever change that. So, right now, as you are consciously aware, even momentarily, of this truth, close your eyes once again and feel the connection to your creation point. The center of your beingness is Love. It matters not how invisible it appears to be. Feel this, then Know it. You may come back and experience this brief lesson again and again. Each time that you do, your awareness of the truth will expand. You may even say “Ahaaa, I get it”. Then the next time, you will “get it” even more. To this, as to everything, there is no end. There is no end to the expansion of your knowledge, to Peace, to Abundance, to Joy ---- nor to Love. As you begin to remember that Love is all there is, you will remember that you are forever loved, and as a spark of the Divine, you will remember that you are loved also by You.
So, in closing today, we lovingly ask that you treat yourself with kindness. As you give this Love to yourself, you will have more to give to others. A race horse that is loved and cared for runs faster. (You will have to take our word on this). J When you know you are loved, your happiness quotient increases, and you are unable to keep from sharing it with all you meet.
And so, Beloved, we refer now back to the sphere of colored tiles, and remind you once more that you are always viewed from the God Vibe, and therefore you are seen by God as you truly are --- perfect in every way.
We enjoy these journeys with you, and will take another road soon, even though you now remember that we will always end up back Home. The journeys are for Joy. :-)
We are Loving You,
Copyright © 2017 Karen Joyce Weaver. All Rights Reserved.
Today we wish to explore these seeming opposites. Perhaps we will mention clocks briefly, as that also is a key part of these words. So let us take a brief excursion, as it were.
You believe that your world is one of polarity. If there is an “up”, then there must be a “down”. We say to you that, while it is true in the 3rd dimension where you currently seem to reside, truly there is no polarity. It is a matter of your perspective.
Does clockwise mean that your timepieces are smart? :-) For purposes of this discussion, we will use “wise” to signify “direction”. So, we are in agreement that if an object is moving clockwise, this means that it is moving in a circular fashion from the starting point, to the right. This is the direction that the hands on the clock move. Of course, this is not true for the digital clocks, as they have no hands. :-)
We ask that you now picture in your minds-eye a large grandfather clock. In place of the “face” imagine a transparent circle made of tiles of colored glass, much like those in the lovely sun-catchers that hang in some windows. Now stand in front of the clock, facing it. Look at the circle of tiles and ask it to slowly spin in a clockwise direction. As you continue to view this spin, mentally step to your right and face the side of the clock. You see that you are now “chest-to-wood” with it, and you can also still view the spinning tiles, which now appear to be spinning toward you as they come over the top of the circle, then down and away. Up and toward you, down and away. However, if you step to your left and again face the clock, the tiles are indeed still spinning clockwise, are they not? Step to your right again and confirm that the spinning appears to be coming toward you, then down and away. Now, step to your right again, and face the “back” of the clock. Since the circle is transparent, you can still view the spinning tiles – but from this vantage point, they now are spinning “counter”clockwise. Step to the right again, and face the other side of the clock. Do you see that the tiles appear to be spinning now down over the top of the circle and then away, then up around the bottom and toward you. Now step to the right one more time, and you are again facing the front of the clock, where you observe that the tiles have never stopped spinning from the original clockwise direction. The logical mind finds this interesting and amazing. The tiles remained constant in the velocity and direction of their spin, yet they appeared to you as though they had chosen four different directions.
Do you see, Beloved, that this is a matter of perspective? If you stand here, it appears one way. If you stand there, it certainly appears another. If you stand below, above, to the right, left, southeast, northwest – another and another and another. My goodness, there appear to be many realities here. After all, is that not what your eyes tell you they see? And, you also already see where this is going, do you not? From your perspective, or viewpoint, or vantage point, looking from the frequency at which you currently vibrate, certain factors appear to be reality.
Now, if you will, please imagine as best you can, operating on a much higher frequency. For sake of keeping it simple, we will call it the “God Vibe”. This allows us to view from a higher vibration and thus get a better, truer idea of how things really are. The Truth, as you will remember, is simple – but not always easy. :-) So, kick up the vibration now to warp speed.
Now that you are viewing from the God Vibe, you can see from every direction simultaneously. After all, you are viewing from the Source. Let us take this same “circle” of glass tiles and imagine viewing them still spinning, but this time see them from every direction at once. Yes, you can do it. Close your eyes and intend that this is what you wish to do. You will now note that the circle is actually a sphere, and although at first glance, the tiles appeared to be spinning in one direction, when the sphere is viewed from the God Vibe, you see that they appear to be spinning in all directions at once. Yes, this is yet another lesson in remembering that although there are Many, they are One. Many tiles, one sphere. Many directions, yet only one, with no beginning and no end.
You are correct. All roads lead Home. All lessons and experiences have the same destination. It is the Journey that is yours to enjoy. Each of you is a unique and cherished individual interpretation of God-spark, living individual experiences unlike any other. No two are alike, yet all are One. You cannot separate yourSelf from that which you truly are. It is not possible, and that is the Truth. :-) You are each a beloved expression of All That Is/God-Goddess/The Universe, and each unconditionally loved deeply and beyond all measure. You cannot change who your parents are here on Earth. No matter what legal or medical actions you incorporate, you were born through a certain physical lineage via a specific male and female uniting of codes (genes). Neither then, Beloved, can you change your spiritual lineage ----- You Are A Beloved Child of God.
You see that we have brought it ‘round again to the same conclusion. We thought that this would entertain your logical mind, and also hold its attention. So, here is the summary, short and sweet, for this lesson today. God Loves You.
There is nothing you can ever do or say or enact or think or wish or be that can ever, ever change that. So, right now, as you are consciously aware, even momentarily, of this truth, close your eyes once again and feel the connection to your creation point. The center of your beingness is Love. It matters not how invisible it appears to be. Feel this, then Know it. You may come back and experience this brief lesson again and again. Each time that you do, your awareness of the truth will expand. You may even say “Ahaaa, I get it”. Then the next time, you will “get it” even more. To this, as to everything, there is no end. There is no end to the expansion of your knowledge, to Peace, to Abundance, to Joy ---- nor to Love. As you begin to remember that Love is all there is, you will remember that you are forever loved, and as a spark of the Divine, you will remember that you are loved also by You.
So, in closing today, we lovingly ask that you treat yourself with kindness. As you give this Love to yourself, you will have more to give to others. A race horse that is loved and cared for runs faster. (You will have to take our word on this). J When you know you are loved, your happiness quotient increases, and you are unable to keep from sharing it with all you meet.
And so, Beloved, we refer now back to the sphere of colored tiles, and remind you once more that you are always viewed from the God Vibe, and therefore you are seen by God as you truly are --- perfect in every way.
We enjoy these journeys with you, and will take another road soon, even though you now remember that we will always end up back Home. The journeys are for Joy. :-)
We are Loving You,
Copyright © 2017 Karen Joyce Weaver. All Rights Reserved.